Easy Installation - The electric projector screen is designed for quick and hassle-free installation, perfect for both professional and DIY users. Its adaptable mounting options allow you to effortlessly set it up in your desired location.<\/p>
Upgrade your viewing experience and enjoy the benefits of our elite Electric Projector Screen. Whether you're hosting a movie night, delivering a crucial presentation, or simply enjoying your favorite content, this screen guarantees a captivating and immersive visual experience. Invest in our high-quality projector screen and take your viewing moments to the next level. Don't compromise on quality. Order yours today and experience the ultimate in cinematic excellence!<\/p>\n\n
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Introducing the Elite Electric Projector Screen (2440 x 1420mm) - Experience Cinematic Excellence!
Elevate your visual experience to new heights with our top-tier electric projector screen. Measuring 2440 x 1420mm with a 16:9 aspect ratio and a viewable area of 2340 x 1320mm, this projector screen is perfect for various applications, from home cinema nights to professional presentations.
Key Benefits:
Quiet, Secure, and Precise Motor - Our cutting-edge motor technology ensures near-silent operation and reliable performance. The screen smoothly and accurately rolls up and down, providing a seamless and enjoyable user experience.
Wrinkle-Free Screen - Made with high-quality materials, the screen surface remains wrinkle-free, guaranteeing crystal-clear images and vivid colors. Say goodbye to distorted visuals caused by wrinkles or creases.
Flame Retardant and Mildew Resistant - Safety and durability are our top priorities. This screen is made from flame retardant and mildew resistant materials, providing added protection and durability for long-lasting use.
Black Framed, Black Backed Screen - The sleek black border and backing not only lend a polished and professional appearance but also enhance contrast and improve overall image quality. Immerse yourself in stunning visuals and make every presentation or movie night a memorable event.
Easy Installation - The electric projector screen is designed for quick and hassle-free installation, perfect for both professional and DIY users. Its adaptable mounting options allow you to effortlessly set it up in your desired location.
Upgrade your viewing experience and enjoy the benefits of our elite Electric Projector Screen. Whether you're hosting a movie night, delivering a crucial presentation, or simply enjoying your favorite content, this screen guarantees a captivating and immersive visual experience. Invest in our high-quality projector screen and take your viewing moments to the next level. Don't compromise on quality. Order yours today and experience the ultimate in cinematic excellence!
Category Projector Screens
* Based on residence in South Africa. Tax rates for other countries will be calculated at the checkout. Price exclusive of tax: ZAR 4,346.96.